In the Unites States, the diabetes rate has jumped more than 50 percent since 1983. Some 20.8 million Americans are now diabetic. If current trends continue, one-third of Americans born in the 21st century might develop the disease. The good news is that type 2 diabetes-the kind 95 percent of American diabetics have-can be completely eliminated. In most cases, all it takes is lifestyle adjustments complemented by herbal medicine.
Now, Herbs for Health, the authority in all-natural holistic health alternatives, has collected its best articles on diabetes prevention and maintenance for this exclusive e-book. Learn how to manage this devastating disease with exercise, a nutritious diet and helpful herbs. Find out how two individuals with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar with herbs and changes in their diet. Expert tips, case studies and more, all in a downloadable e-book format, make Defeat Diabetes the ultimate resource for diabetes prevention and health management.
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