To move more easily? Enjoy your life and activities more? Many of us may find that an anti-inflammatory diet can help, we just don’t know where to start and are overwhelmed with the possibilities. In addition, anti-inflammatory diets are often bland and boring.
That is not the case with Stacked With Flavor: An Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook With Dairy-free, Grain-free & Low-Sugar Recipes. On her personal journey to discover methods and foods to deal with chronic pain, author Shawna Coronado began with research and a visit to a nutritionist specializing in inflammatory conditions, which changed her life to the positive forever. She stopped eating dairy, sugar, and grains; scientific evidence points to how a lifestyle of eating anti-inflammatory foods can lessen and even eliminate inflammation in the body that is often blamed for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, chronic pain, and a variety of diseases and disorders. To help her own health, she’s created an overall plan that includes growing and eating organic produce, exercising regularly, and therapeutic gardening. In Stacked With Flavor, she shares her powerful and personal story of what she has learned along the way: cooking methods to add over-the-top flavor to nutritious yet everyday foods; delicious recipes for imbuing your food with LOTS of flavor using mixtures of various herbs and spices and other techniques; and tips and meal plans to help you start your own journey to better health.
Applying the knowledge Shawna gained from her guiding nutritionists and doctors to her daily life helped trigger a remarkable transformation; she went from taking medications as a solution to her health issues, to a life with more than 80 percent reduction in pain, reduced allergy reactions, improved moods, and increased energy, all without prescriptions. Help your family stay healthy, lose weight, feel better, and have more energy while reducing aches and pains and chronic inflammation. Stacked With Flavor allows you to discover Shawna’s secret of placing foods on top of another to enhance color, scent, and taste, and her herb and spice combinations to increase the flavor of your foods.
"Please know that thanks to having had the great fortune to hear [Shawna Coronado] speak at the Albany, Ore., Mother Earth News Fair the first weekend in August, I am now almost pain-free, no longer considered diabetic (as long as I eat as [she] suggested), almost 35 pounds lighter, and 4 1/2 sizes smaller in pants and skirts! I feel better than I have in decades! I have not felt this good since my debilitating back injury Jan. 31, 1981. I am also once again able to wear the same size jeans as I did in high school some 48 years ago!" — Beatrice D
About the Author
One day Shawna Coronado decided to change her life, so she up ‘n’ left her fancy-pants office job in sales and marketing to find health and happiness. Today Shawna is a wellness lifestyle advocate, author, photographer and media host who campaigns for social good. Because she’s a professional speaker and writer she gets to travel all over the world meet¬ing fun people and sharing her passion. She loves speaking at all the Mother Earth News Fairs and is working with the fair team to develop special workshops at the fairs which will help readers learn to reduce chronic inflammatory pain.
She teaches her readers how to reduce chronic pain with diet and exercise, grow organic produce and plants — all while exploring smart anti-inflammatory recipes and cooking ideas. Shawna has severe degenerative osteoarthritis of the spine, so she knows what it is like to start from the ground up to find better health. She’s succeeded in finding less pain and more happiness with her lifestyle.